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RE: Schematics for a 1983 733i

Kent Moore's Been Fired.....

BMW Parts CD, Trouble Shooting Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Special Tools,
etc. are now being distributed by the Central Letter Shop at 1-800-695-0079.

A complete list of available items can be found at:


search for BMW (+CD or +bulletin or +tool, etc.).

Why their parts list is on the EPA site I haven't a clue, but it's
apparently the only location on the web at the moment. This is not a very
user friendly site or search engine. They have promised to snail mail me a
copy of available items, so we could scan and post them somewhere. Total of
21 pages.

BTW, VOB BMW told me the Parts CD was NOT AVAILABLE, but I was able to order
it at the Central Letter Shop.

Larry Simmons
'91 M5
'91 iX

: ------------------------------
: Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 08:28:19 -0800
: From: "Rodney Moore" <[email protected]>
: Subject: RE: schematics for a 1983 733i
: Mark,
: BMW makes a two CD-ROM set SD92-117 & SD92-118 of ETM's  that contains
: you are looking for.
: Kent Moore may have them available.
: Go to:
: http://www.spxkentmoore.com/oe-corner/catalogs/bmw/bmw.htm
: look under the CD tab at the bottom.
: Rod...
: - -----------original message----------------------------------
: Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 05:37:19 -0500
: From: "ml" <[email protected]>
: Subject: schematics for a 1983 733i
: Hi , I am trying to find a source for detailed schematics for my 1983
: All of the books in the local auto stores are fine for mechanical
: information, but they are all lacking details about sensors, control
: modules, computers, and the cruise control circuits.
: Thank you, Mark Lima
: [email protected]
: www.abin.com Industrial controls and automation.
: 733i
: R90/6
: - ----------------end-------------------
: - ---
: Rodney Moore
: BMW CCA #86830
: Golden Gate Chapter
: [email protected]
: ------------------------------
