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Re: E30: Lock cylinder replacement

Dave writes:
>Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 10:07:04 -0700
>From: Dave Rathnow <[email protected]>
>Subject: E30: Lock cylinder replacement
>The drivers side door lock cylinder on my '88iX has to be replaced.
>BMW has a new cylinder but they say I would have a separate key
>for that lock alone.

"They" are clueless.  A replacement lock can be keyed to match your existing 

>When asked if there was a way to rekey the new cylinder to work
>with my old key, the person I spoke with was unsure.  I know there
>is a lock-rebuild kit that you can get that allows you to change the
>tumblers to match your existing key so why can't you change the
>tumblers on a new lock cylinder?
>Of course, they said they could order a new cylinder from BMW
>n Germany but I think the time and cost wouldn't be worth it.
>Does anyone know if I can rekey a new cylinder to match my
>my existing key?

It's a very easy thing to do!

I replaced a broken lock cylinder in the driver's door of my '85 318i, and 
it came with a complete set of tumblers so that I could insert them to match 
the current locks.  The tumblers were number either 1, 2, 3, or 4 (as I 

Good luck!

- -rb

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