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RE: bmw-digest V9 #1383

Been there, done it.

Two possible reasons:
1. Your Fuel Pressure regulator is dying.
2. Your Fuel pump is dying.

Best regards,


e34 535i

> Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 22:52:01 +0000
> From: "Tim Ketterson & Dulce Roman" <[email protected]>
> Subject: <e28> '87 535iS -- Intermittent Drivability Problem
> when upon accelerating to pass a slower-moving car the "bogged-
> down" whereupon I downshifted to 4th...continued to "bog" and 
> then I decided to drop it into neutral and coast off the next ramp.  
> During this maneuver, the engine dropped to idle and would not 
> respond "positively" to the throttle. My attempts rev the engine met 
> with an instantaneous reduction in RPM but...the engine never 
> stalled-out.  At the top of the off-ramp I let the car idle for about 10 
> minutes.  Since I was in "the sticks" and too afraid to shut it down. 
>  I popped the hood could not locate any obvious problems.  After 
> about 5 minutes I was able to rev the engine gradually to a "rough-
> as-a-cob" 2-3K.  Soon thereafter I did a short test drive down an 
> access road with NO further problems.  The proble did not reappear 
> for 1 week or so.
