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Re: <E30> Question about rims

Dave Myron <[email protected]> writes:

>Hey digesters,
>I'm looking to buy some rims in the upcoming months and I just have no clue
>about what information I need to pick them. 
>What offset? What lug pattern? What other info do I need?
>D A V E   M Y R O N

 You'll need to state exactly what kind of E30 it is (year and model)
because the M3 and 325iX have different size/lug/offset requirements 
than a regular RWD 4-lug 318/325 model.  

 You also have to indicate what size (diameter and width) wheel
you're thinking about using (14x6.5,  15x7,  16x7 or 7.5 etc etc).

 Without knowing these two important data points,  no one will be
able to answer concisely.  There's a pretty specific offset range you'll
have to adhere to (depending on model and size) so the information 
is important. 

 Once i know what year/model it is,  i can give you the exact information 
you need :-)   It will also help if i know what kind of driving you're gonna
be doing,  and if the suspension is modified and how.   Lemmy know....   :-)

 Randy Walters 
 89 325is

 My BMW Album:


