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Re: <30> Help Needed With Jammed Glovebox!


The same thing happened on my '85 318i.  There is an L-shaped piece of metal 
inside the latch that breaks off after awhile.  Once this happens, the two 
hooks on the latch no longer move in to allow the glovebox to be unlatched.

I opened it up by unscrewing the hinge (3 screws), allowing the back of the 
glovebox to move down.  From there, you can reach inside the glovebox and 
unscrew the latch from the inside (two phillips screws), and you can remove 
the glovebox.

A new latch will cost around $30, and is easy to replace.

One thing that you may find is that one or more of the slots which hold the 
hinge to the glovebox may be cracked or broken.  If this is the case, you'll 
have an "interesting" time getting the glovebox re-installed.  Two of three 
slots were broken, so the hinge wouldn't stay in place.  I tried to glue 
them with epoxy, but it didn't work.  I ended up buying a used glovebox.

E30 owners: replace your glovebox latch NOW!  Don't wait for it to break, 
because it's a PITA!

Good luck Alex!

- -rb

>Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 10:04:05 -0800 (PST)
>From: Alexander MacLeod <[email protected]>
>Subject: <30> Help Needed With Jammed Glovebox!
>Hi All,
>Today the latch on the glovebox of my '87 325 became
>either jammed or broken (there is a rattle in the
>latch which I think means something is broken in
>there), and I can't get it open. Does anyone have any
>tips to do this, or is there an online tutorial on
>someone's website? Thanks in advance for any advice.
>Alex MacLeod
>NY Chapter CCA

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