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Re: timingbelt, tensioner, water pump

In a message dated 12/3/99 23:05:45 US Mountain Standard Time, 
[email protected] writes:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers, trouble spots or 
> things
> I want to make sure IM doing while replacing the timing belt and all drive 
> belt
>  s, tensioneer and water pump on my 1988 528e.  Is taking the radiator out 
> nesse
>  sary?
>  Also about how long will this sort of job take and what experience level 
> req
>  uired.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated greatly.
> Thank you
Two things I noticed when I did mine this fall: you don't need to take out 
the radiator, but cover it with cardboard front and top.  This protects it 
(and you from cuts).  Use a gasket sealer ( I used to use tie strings for 
this but they don't work for me any more) to hold the water pump gasket in 
position while bolting on the pump.  The gasket is fragile and is easily torn 
or moved out of position. 

'83 633CSi
'85 528e
'88 735i
BMWCCA #44835
