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Re: <E30> Tire Sizing (was: bmw-digest V9 #1255)

Demetre Koumanakos <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >Hi all,
>> >I'll be getting new tires (Toyo T1S most probably) in about a 
>> >months time for my E30-318 and I still haven't decided on the size.
>> >I now use 205/50/15 on my spiderweb BBS wheels, but because of 
>> >the terrible state our road system is in, and because I had to "fix"all 
>> >four of my wheels twice this year, I thought of maybe going one 
>> >size up for the tires in order to protect the wheels a bit more.  
>> >Any thoughts or ideas ?
>> >Demetre

Randy Replied:
>>  Actually a 205/50-15 is shorter than the factory-recommended 15" size
>> for an E30,  which is 205/55-15.   Another suitable sizes for an E30 is
>> a 225/50-15.  Either of these sizes will protect the rim a little better
>> than what you've been using.

Demetre Koumanakos <[email protected]> writes:
>According to the TOYO tire size chart the 195/60/14 that come with
>the E30 has an overall diameter of 23.2 inches, the 205/50/15 has 23.1
>inches diameter, the 205/55/15 is 23.9 inches.  Are my facts wrong ? 
>is every manufacturer different when it comes to
>sizes ?   D.

 Although some of the 318/325/e came with the 195/60-14's,  the 325i/is
came with 195/65-14 tires (approx 23.8").   The optional OEM BBS 15x7 
wheel was shod with the 205/55-15 size (23.9"), as was the E30 M3 and 
the 325iX.   Even though the 205/50-15 is about the same diameter as 
the 195/60-14,  the 205/55-15 is a more suitable size if you want better 
wheel protection,  and it's a factory recommeded size at that.  Another 
suitable 15 incher is a 225/50-15,  also about 23.9" in diameter.  That
extra 8/10ths of an inch diameter will hurt acceleration however,  but 
it's either that or continue to bend your wheels with the shorter tires. 
Tough choice :-) 

 Randy Walters
 89 325is 
 15x7 Revolutions
 205/55-15 SP8K's 
