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Re: New Honda Civic vs. Used BMW 3 series...

Brent Williams asked:

>New Honda Civic vs. Used BMW 3 series...
>So what is your recomendation on this one?

My recommendation is take the used BMW. I did, and I'll never regret it.

Great car, great performance comfort and value, and just loads more fun 
and capability than even a brand new Civic has.

Ask me how I know. I was going to get a new car for daughter and ended up 
finding this really nice E30 3 series, and the rest is history.

Seems like with 3 other BMWs in the stable, you shouldn't have to be 
asking this question.

Rolf Drommer

+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Rolf Drommer      Membership Director BMW Car Club of BC 
               eMail: [email protected]    or [email protected]
                       '92 E30 318i Cabrio 'SUNBMR' 
Club Website: www.bmwccbc.org           Personal Website: www.drommer.com
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