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E28 starting problems

Greetings! I've had my '84 528e for almost a year now...previously my
father's daily driver.

It's given me no problems...at 225kkm. The other day, after 2 days of
sitting (not unusual, as I drive very little these days), I went on a
couple of short errands...on the last errand, it wouldn't start. The car
turned over the first couple of times, but after that it made that weak
effort, with dim instrument lights like my battery was dead. I called the
auto club, they gave me a boost, and no problem, (the guy told me
according to the indicator on his truck, my battery still had juice),
until the next day, when I went to try it, and again...no start.

Some history (before the obvious question...Why?)

My dad's the original owner (now proud owner of 2000 323)
Several years ago...locks gave trouble (nothing unusual from reading the
faqs), so they disconnected them...presumably that also meant
disconnecting the lock drum heater.

Couple years ago...battery dead...replaced.
Last year battery dead...alternator thought to be culprit...both replaced.

Now like I said no problem all year...I'm up in edmonton, canada, so last
winter was pretty cold, and it's not been chilly here yet.

Finally...any suggestions where to go from here?
Replies to news group or private are fine...I'll post a summary to the
group if it works out.

Thanks, and chao

Juan-Carlos Guijon

Juan-Carlos Guijon
[email protected]
University of Alberta Hospitals
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
