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Re: Help required....Power Steering Rack!

The control valve could be off center, that means you need another rack, or
it could be your tires.  Rotate the front tires side for side.  If it pulls
the other direction, they are bad.  If it pulls the same, its the rack.

Gary Derian <[email protected]>

> I have an E30 M3 Convertible and have just had the power steering rack
> rebuilt. Ever since then the car pulls to the left. I have had the
> digitally checked to no avail. When driving straight, the steering wheel
> dead centre and the car travels in a straight line, but as soon as I let
> of the steering wheel, it turns to the left and the car turns left. It
> to self-centre in this position. I have jacked the car up and measured the
> length of the rack on either side of the steering rack (the bit that
> out on either side of the steering rack after the removal of the two
> bellows) and found them to be equal in length. In fact if I turn the
> steering wheel starting from the centre position, it takes the same number
> of turns for full right lock as for full left lock. The camber and castor
> are identical on either side. What else could it be? A blocked valve on
> steering rack? Bad Power pump? Any ideas will be much appreciated. Thanks
> advance.
> Ken Hau
> Infomation Services
> ab Prospect West
> 0181 666 2550
