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Re: Leak in Trunk

For the trunk, check the tail light gaskets, the rubber seal, and the vent
on each side which exits behind the bumper (hidden by the battery) - they
are where the 'roof drains to. I would use some kind of sealer under the
rubber seal anyway - it will help protect the car from rust in the years to
come :-). Also the radio aerial grommet can be not quite covering the hole.

For the front footwell, on the fire wall in the engine bay there is a rubber
"pipe". it has the bottom end squashed flat. If you squeeze the end a
little, there will prolly be a whole lot of crap fall out. Make sure it is
clear. It is just behind the  exhaust manifold. Also under the sills, just
behind where the front wing is attached, there is supposed to be a drain
hole. Check it is clear. If you use any wire to clear these areas, be sure
it will not remove paint (co-ax is great, but check for a sharp end)

You 91 is (if it's an E30) covered in the mid 88- 90 manuals (unless it is a
South African 325i Sport (has M30/B25))

Good luck.

Allan :-)
"Use the forks, Luke"
- ----------------------------------->

- ----- Original Message -----
From: William Moore <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 2:01 AM
Subject: Leak in Trunk

> I have a '91 325i and also have a leak in the trunk, driver's side.  Only
> happens when raining and driving, not at the car wash.  Checked gasket on
> tail light, it is perfect and soft.  Recently had a lot of rain and the
> passenger footwell in the front was flooded.  Tried to clear the sunroof
> drains but didn't have enough co-ax to reach through, where is the
> exit/drain?  Where can I get a good service manual?  The '91 is excluded
> from Bentley's and most other manuals.
