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1995 540iA Fan belt continues to break!!


I need some help!

Over the past two months my fan belt has broken three times leaving the
car inoperable!

The first seemed to simply be the belt as proclaimed by the independent
tech, the second time he replaced some kind of belt tensioner and now
the third time I still await an answer.

Luckily I have not really incurred any towing charges however I am sick
to death of a single problem that continues to plague me.  Any

Also, CHECK CONTROL warning light displayed day before incident and
small lubricant leak noticed in the garage where I park ! - Seals
recently changed because of my complaint of leaking oil.

This will most definitely be last chance I give this independent, can
any one recommend a Toronto based tech.
- -- 
Thank you

Raj Sharma

Director - Product Service Management
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Bell Nexxia 
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Tel   (416) 215 - 3444
Pager (416) 379 - 5747
Fax   (416) 383 - 0881
e-mail [email protected]
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