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E36 coupe window "drop"

we have all seen the way that the windows on an E36 coupe drop a tiny bit
when the door is opened, then nudge back up after the door is closed.

on my car (a 95 M3, bought used, recently), the act of opening the door has
been as follows:

unlock door with key (lock button rises, nothing else happens).  raise door
handle to open door.  door sort of "pops" open in a not-too-fluid motion,
and at the same time the window drops that tiny bit.  get in, close the
door, and the window raises that tiny bit.

when getting out from the inside, the same is true: pull on inner door
handle, door "pops" and sort of bounces back as window drops.  close door,
window rises.

if, before getting in or out, the window has been lowered a teeny bit using
the window buttonst, that initial "pop" isn't there, and the door opens much
more smoothly.

this weekend i had an aftermarket alarm installed.

now, when i unlock the doors using the alam system (which has been wired to
double-lock the doors upon arming), at the moment that the alarm chirps and
the lock button rises, the window drops that tiny bit, all before i ever
touch the car.  this makes opening the door much smoother.  after i get in
and close the door, the window rises as it should.

this is great, and i think that's how the car was supposed to operate.  the
problem is that it only does it this way on the driver's side.  the
passenger window doesn't lower upon disarming the alarm.

how was this allsupposed to operate from the factory?

any responses will be appreciated, either to the digest or directly to:
[email protected]

