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<WOB> FW: M5 Sighting in London - Want to chat

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Was anyone on this list the E28 RED M5, C reg British spec. on the M4 at
South Ealing, London going over the Chiswick roundabout on Monday night ?
I was in the German plated, Euro spec, black one on the inside ...

Look like a great car and want to chat.
Please reply privately.
Sorry to all for WOB.



- -Banners
[email protected]

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Forwarded to list for friend.

- -Chris Graff

615 Oak Hill Rd.
Middletown, New Jersey  07748

M535i Registry (E12/E28 M535i & US 535iS)
- - M535i Special Interest Group Coordinator, M535i Registry #001
- - http://M535i.web.com
BMW CCA 159803 - NJ Chapter,  Senior Six Registry #184


End of bmw-digest V9 #1210