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1994 740i Seatbelt SRS sensors


I have received numerous replies to my SRS problem suggesting that I check
the seatbelt latch sensor mechanisms.  A couple of questions about this.

I assume that these sensors are located in the female receiver portion of
the latch.  Is this sensor something I can acess and check/replace?

Is there a procedure on the web anywhere detailing this procedure?

If I go ahead and replace the sensors, will the SRS warning indicator
automatically reset, or will I have to go to my mechanic to reset it?

About how much are new sensors, and is there a preferred vendor from which
to purchase them?

Finally, is there a manual on this car for the average joe to use to make
repairs?  I have a pretty decent manual for my 533i.  Is there a similar one
for the 94 740i?

Thank you,
Mike Rutledge
[email protected]

94 740i
84 533i
