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Protect alloys against brake dust?

Hello All,

  I have a '99 528i w/ whichever alloy wheels come with the premium

  Stock BMW pads seem to put out large amounts of brake dust.  Looking
through archives some have put in the dust shields or replaced the pads.
Both of those have their downsides, and just reduce the problem.

  About once every other week I go and scrub the wheels with a toothbrush
and brake dust remover.  There are already patches where the dust is baked
on and will require lots of elbow grease to get off.  I drive about 3.5k
miles a month.

  Is there anything I can put on these wheels that will repel brake dust,
or at least make it easy to spray off?  A friend suggested waxing them,
but I don't know what that'd do to the alloy or coatings that exist on
the wheels or how brake dust will react with the wax.

  Thanks in advance for your advice.

- - Matt

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