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Re: Emble//M Ethics

On Fri, 9 Jul 1999, Patrick Saunders Payan wrote:

> Mr. Williams, may I suggest you free yourself of classism. All who care to
> know will know it's a 3-series. Once you pry off that M3, go naked.

I suggested this to Messr. Williams as well but he hasn't replied to
his e-mail.

> I'm in the process of making a "DRIVE NAKED" website discussing this very
> issue. Anyone with knowledge on taking the emblems off, ordering options
> for no emblem, etc. Feel free to write. 

Drive naked? Well, I suppose Z3 owners like to go topless. (Sorry.)

An option number for your cause:

   Delete Model Numbering (320)  -no charge-

- -John
'96 318is

- -- 
[email protected]
