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<E30> Diff & Tranny Oils

This is for an '89 325i, 5-speed, LS diff.

My owner's manual calls for 1.32 quarts of "Reputable non-hypoid gearbox
oil, SAE 80, MIL-L-2105 or API-GL 4" for the transmission and 1.8 quarts
of "Reputable hypoid gearbox  oil, SAE 90 (GL-5)" for the rear end. 
However, the Bentley manual has a footnote that calls for some BMW
special oil for the rear end.  The parts guy at the nearest dealer said,
"Huh? We just use the same stuff for everything, out of a big drum out
back."  ("Everything" in this case may include Pontiacs, Mazdas,
Volkswagens, and a few other marques besides BMW, this dealer being a
large multi-brand one who recently consolidated their various parts
departments into one, undoubtedly to no external customer's
satisfaction, but I digress.)

So, if anyone would like to straighten me out about what to use (and
why) I'd appreciate it.  And of course, any tips and/or pointers about
procedure will be appreciated.

- -- 
Mark ([email protected])                    "Back roads. Period."
