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Help me buy a car...

Since Tino sold all his stuff so fast, I have a request.  I want to purchase
a car.  If you have one or know of someone who does, please let me know or
have them call me.  My requests are as follows:

3 series
Any color other than red
2 or 4 door
6 cyllinder (328 or 325)
Less than 50k miles
5 speed
Less than $20000 (exceptions for cars with less than 20k miles)
Prefer extended warrenty, or ability to purchase on on the car

Sounds easy, just run it by whoever, I have looked at hundreds of cars, and
I admit that I am picky.  This ad should not be flame-able.  But if it is,
please do it privately at [email protected].  Feel free to call me at
228-617-4444 if you have a car to tell me about.
