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Re: E3 side skirts options ?

Our 325i SE came with BMW side skirts as standard equipment ( not the
Motorsport ones). It doesn't have a rear valance spoiler, and just the
standard front. It looks OK because the facelifted cars had the deep rear
valance (which yours should). You can see pics at my website

http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/downs/9040/ (I think there are some
here... better check the BMW pages)

 or at


Allan Williams
[email protected]

3 things you need to know:
  Laughing gas from the dentist can make you do things you normally
  Cops don't have a sense of humor.
  Handcuffs hurt.

- -----Original Message-----
From: La idea exporta <[email protected]>
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, 15 June 1999 4:06
Subject: E3 side skirts options ?

Hi all !

     I am thinking of buying a set of side skirts for my 89 316i 2 door.
Any body have had any experience with a brand in particular ? I am
thinking of going with Hartge. I have the original front spoiler with
fog lights ( I believe it is an M- technic ? ) And the trunk M-technic
lip spoiler. Do you think it would look funny without the rear valance
spoiler ?

Thanks for any opinions.

Jose Navarro
[email protected]
=B489 Euro 316i
