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Re: Tricky E30 Drivability Problem

I can't tell you WHAT to do because I'm not a mechanic.  But, to my 
knowledge, black smoke indicates a lean fuel mixture, which would explain 
your low MPG.
I would say that your fuel injectors are bad.  Either not shooting fuel in 
enough (bucking)
or shooting too much (smoking).
My friend's 87 VW Jetta (GTi engine) would buck like that and he said it was 
the fuel injectors.
Good luck and let me know what it turns out to be, cost, etc.

Jeff Patch
86 325es

> Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:08:30 -0500
>  From: "Craig Lovold" <[email protected]>
>  Subject: E30 Drivability Problem (tricky)
>  Help, my poor car ('87 325i) is sick.
>  I am currently getting about 6 MPG.  That ain't normal.
>  It idles like a harley and bucks like a mule under light acceleration.
>  When pushed past 1/2 way down it smooths out, and when floored it appears
>  to have full power.  Black smoke is seen exiting the tailpipe especially
>  when floored after running badly for a while.
>  Then, like magic, it smooths out and runs fine for a short while.  When it
>  comes back to life the idle shoots up to about 1700 for a while and then
>  calms down.  This happened about a month ago for 3-4 days and then
>  starightened itself out.  Now its back, and the frequency of running right
>  is down.
>  The MPG guage reads around 6 MPG except when dropped to idle, then it reads
>  about 25 going downhill at 60 MPH.  Normally it would peg the needle all
>  the way left when coasting, so it is burning a lot of fuel even at idle.
>  And the smell is interesting.  (I assume its the smell of partially
>  combusted fuel)
>  I checked the coolant temperature sensor, the O2 sensor, and the air flow
>  meter is not binding.
>  The local shop (that I trust) can't get me in for about 2 weeks.  I feel
>  bad driving it like this.
>  Does anyone have any good (or even bad) ideas?  I need to take this car on
>  a 200 mile trip next Tuesday and really want to get it fixed ASAP.
>  TIA,
>  Craig Lovold  ([email protected])
