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RE: bmw-digest V9 #1118

I had a similar clunk when I changed gears in my car.  It turned out that I
had lost one of the bolts on the differential, which allowed the other bolts
to loosen and to let the differential housing move.

Took only 15 minutes to diagnose and fix at the dealer (though I had to
sweat it out for a couple of days since I was at Penn State on a weekend
when it started happening!)

Hope this helps.

'98 M3/4

> Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 17:47:30 +0800
> From: bucktha seelan <[email protected]>
> Subject: Clunk
> Hi everyone,
> Hope someone can shed some light on the probem I have.  My 
> '89 316i has
> just been fully serviced,(changed timing belt, spark plugs, radiator
> fan, clutch, all oil changed,  etc).  
> Before this, I used to get  clunk  everytime I changed gear, from the
> first to the fifth.  After the servicing, the clunk was barely
> noticeable.  However it's started about a month after the 
> servicing and
> seems to be worse now.  
> Anyone have the same problem and what could I do?
> Thanks
> Seelan
