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Reverse lights not working <E-36>

Original message:
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 08:20:30 -0500
From: Hassan Mkaouri <[email protected]>
Subject: Reverse lights not working
Hello all, I have a 93 325i, when I shift into reverse my lights in the back
don't turn on. If anybody have seen this problem before and have an idea
about what it could be please let me know.
I just fixed the same problem myself.  It was the switch.  The switch is
located on the upper left side of the transmission.  It costs about $11
list.  The parts man at the dealer said to be sure that the plunger of the
old switch had not popped out and gone into the transmission.
An interesting sidelight to the problem: When I tested the system with a
digital voltmeter (high impedance), I found 12 volts at the light, but when
I used a simple test light, there was so much resistance that the bulb did
not light.

