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<e36> foglight - thanks!

	Hi Digestors, I just want to publicly thank those who e-mailed me
concerning the fog light issues.  There are so many of you that I thought
I'd do it on the digest rather than personal e-mail. (Call me lazy! =)
	For those who are interested in getting the foglights because your
broke or whatever the reason is, everyone is pointing me to either Stephen
at South Motors ([email protected]), Steve @ www.ultimategarage.com,
Jason @ http://www.zionsvilleautosport.com, BMP Design @ www.bmpd.com, or
Bekkers @ www.bekkers.com.
	I am probably going to deal with Stephen since I have dealt with
him before.  The price he had for me is $63.xx, not including shipping.
	Thanks again,
