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E26 Brake light Circuit warning

Hello Digesters,

1993 E36 325is:
This morning I was driving down the highway and the OBC
started to display the message "BRAKE LIGHT CIRCUIT"
When I got to work I tested the tail lights and they
work fine. The middle brake light in the rear
window doesn't work; however, it hasn't worked for over 3 
months and never did I get an OBC message. So I checked
the brake light circuit fuse and it is fine. I recently 
had a brake job so I know that the pads are good. The brake
fluid is at the normal level. When I looked in the owners manual
there was no useful information other than it can be anything 
from a failed tail light to a failed system. If you have any
ideas/suggestion please let me know. 

Thanks is advance!

CCA Windy City Chapter

- -- 
Robert M. Boucher                 Software Engineer
Motorola Inc.                     Phone: (847) 632 - 3834
Multimedia Group                  Fax:   (847) 632 - 2906
3850 N. Wilke Drive               Pager: (800) SKY - 8888 #7838311
Arlington Heights, IL 60004-1271  Email: [email protected]
