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Re: shortshifter.com

Mark Estes <[email protected]> wrote:
> Subject: shortshifter.com
> I also ordered a shift kit from them a while ago and had not
> heard anything, so I emailed them and they replied that they
> had a lot of parts on back order and that the order would go
> out soon. This is not what I call good service, they should
> have emailed me or posted a notice on their web sight, he said
> he was sorry for the lateness, but this looses some of it's affect
> when it was I who had to call and find out.

    Mark, Eugene, et al...

    We at UUC Motorwerks strive to make our product and our service the best
in the industry, period.  Our recent backorders on a few parts are due to
some unforseen supplier problems (which we have since taken steps to
eradicate) and an overwhelmingly positive response to our product that has
generated a flood of orders.  We consider the supplier problem to be a
one-time phenomenon and plan on the order volume increases to continue.

    Unfortunately the supplier problems affected more than one part, so
various people were affected if they had ordered something as simple as a
Rob Knob or as complex as a full "competition" shifter kit.  From our
customer service viewpoint, we had sent out a mass-mail notification of some
of the backorders so those customers would not be waiting without knowing
about the delay.  On some of the parts, a not-unacceptable four-day delay
had stretched into almost three weeks.  To those customers affected, we
appreciate their patience.  To those customers who either did not receive
the notification or whose backorder may not have generated a notification,
we are truly sorry.

    Delays like this are bad for everybody but hopefully become valuable
lessons for growing companies like UUC Motorwerks... and we certainly want
to minimize these difficulties as much as possible.  Once again, we consider
this a one-time problem and have taken major steps to ensure that it never
happens again.  With the increasingly large-scale distribution that UUC
Motorwerks is enjoying (through such retailers as Turner Motorsport, Rocky
Mountain Motorwerks, and many others - full list on the web site), our
facilities and capabilities are also increasing.

    We look forward to a continuing relationship with our existing customers
(you don't think that all we're making is short shifters, do you?) and great
experiences with our future customers.

- - Rob Levinson
UUC Motorwerks


