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Re: E28 M30 535i injector flow rate

Thanks for the info below.  I used the link for Autospeed, and their tables didn't have the injectors for a E28 M30 3.5i engine.  Does anybody know the flow rate of the below injector.  I'm using this info in a super charger ugrade

Bosch - 280 150 714  (This is the injector given in the Bentley manual)

Or, does anybody know where to get this info.  All help would be apreciated?


> ------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 15:56:14 -0500 (EST)
> From: Thaddeus Wakefield Batt <[email protected]>
> Subject: <E30> Injector Upgrade ?
> Folks,
> While looking at at an injector flow rate table,
> (http://www.autospeed.com/A_0102/article.html), I couldn't help but wonder
> what the effect would be of dropping higher flow injectors into my eta
> engine. I would speculate that there are probably some damn good reasons
> not to do this, but is it possible that by stepping up from Bosch part
> #280 150 716 to #280 150 715 there could be a net HP increase in the
> small-six eta?
> Is it possible that this, combined with a freer flowing intake and maybe
> EPROM mods could be a viable HP booster?
> Manufacturer
> Part#           cc/min  lbs/hour        HP/each         pressure kPa
> 0 280 150 716   134     13.1            26.8            300
> 0 280 150 211   146     14.3            29.2            300
> 0 280 150 715   149     14.6            29.8            300
> Someone please tell me why this foolish.
> thanks,
> - --thad
> Thaddeus Wakefield Batt
> 1975 2002 & 1986 325es
> [email protected]      http://www.code-complete.com


End of bmw-digest V9 #1033