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Cold start problems

hey everyone!!

Gotta question for all you gurus out there.

I have an 88 325 which recently began having some problems, which I am 
guessing are ignition or fuel related.  On *cold-starts* only, it takes 
two or three turns of the ignition to get the engine started.

According to the Bentley manual, I have Motronic 1.1, without a 
cold-start valve.  The engine only experiences problems on cold starts, 
otherwise, once it is running--it seems to operate like new.   And 
re-starts normally when warm.

I have apprx. 110K on the motor, and the inspection light came on 
recently.  Should I go through the hassle of checking the coolant 
sensor....or does this sound more like a new set of plug wires and 
distributor cap  are in order?

I changed the plugs about 4 months ago, but not the wires or cap.  Also 
just ran some injector cleaner through the fuel system, which had 
little, if any, effect.

also.....the check engine light comes on periodically....no idea why..

Any feedback is greatly appreciated .....

Mike Coffer
[email protected]
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