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Fw: Baltimore/Washington BMW Owners

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- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 10:37:19 -0500 
From: Steve Crumley <[email protected]>
To: 'Steve Lafredo' <[email protected]>
Subject: Fw: Baltimore/Washington BMW Owners

Adam R Raines <[email protected]> wrote in message
<[email protected]>...
| Just a quick note:
| BMW Car Club and A/D/S/ will be offering a seminar class on
| May 22, 1999 in Owings Mills Maryland.
| This seminar is free and open to all BMW owners.  Discussion will
| be on upgrading existing audio systems while maintaining the 
| factory head unit.  Getting better sound from the E-36,E-39, and
| Z-3 cars.
| A/D/S is proud of its history with BMW and the local chapter of 
| the BMWCCA have aranged for reps to be present from both A/D/S 
| and BMW to discuss stereo upgrades.
| The event will be held at Sound Solutions, Inc.  It is located at
| 10720 Reisterstown Road.  If you have questions please call Sound 
| Solutions at 410.581.0005.
| See some of the A/D/S/ ideas at  www.adst.com
| Thank You

- --------------------------------oOo--------------------------------   
 Stephen Lafredo       Philadelphia, PA      [email protected]
 BMW CCA DVC, NCC and NJC                       97 M3/2 & 89 325ix

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