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Re: BIG SUV -- be afraid

Michiel van Wessem wrote:
> Jay Snyder wrote:
>> Imagine a
>> soccer mom driving this monster while talking on the cell phone,
>> and you are in your bimmer.   Scared yet?   I sure am.
> Yeah. Imagine what happens when this 7000 pound monster hits your 3000
> pound car. It has that "blocker beam" to prevent your car from sliding
> under. Other then that, it'll be like slamming into a concrete wall.
> I like how they say it "sets a bold new standard for safety and they
> environment." It's true.

Perhaps the quickest way to drive such leviathans to extinction is
raise U.S. gasoline prices to $3 a gallon.  With their much higher
power to fuel consumption ratios, BMW's would fill the resulting void
like mammals after the dinosaurs.

- -John
'96 318is

- -- 
[email protected]
