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Re: <E34> M5 Info needed..

>Vijay asked --
>Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 09:26:34 -0600
>From: [email protected]
>Subject: <E34> M5 Info needed..
>This is for anyone who bought a new E34 M5, when they came out.
>While at the Chicago Auto Show, Scott Doniger was talking about some
>performance driving experience for everyone who buys the new M5. When I
>went in to put down a deposit on the new M5, my dealer said that BMW
did a
>similar thing with the E34 M5s, but only in Europe and believes there
>be a similar 'experience' this time around, only in South Carolina.
>So if anyone can share their 'performance experience' with the new E34
>if there was one, it would be greatly appreciated.
>Also, anyone know the MSRP for the E34 M5s. I would like to get an idea
>to how much the car has depreciated during its life.

I bought my new M5 in October 1990 (6/90 build).  The MSRP/Window
Sticker was -
    MSRP   $56,600
        Heated front seats  $300
    Gas Guzzler tax  $1,850

    Total            $58,750

I was able to negotiate the purchase price down to $58,750 (the dealer
started higher).

There was no BMW performance driving experience offered directly by BMW.
What there was a BMW Two Day Driving School offered by Skip Barber in
conjunction with BMW.  I took it in early December 1990.  It wasn't a
high performance driving school as offered by BMW CCA chapters, and
others.  It was more a safety school with skid pad, braking, threshold
braking and related exercises. There was no instruction or mention of
turn-in, apex, proper lines, etc.  It ended with the class divided into
two teams driving a small autocross type course.  Lowest total elapsed
time for each team won.  The session I took was conducted in the paddock
at Sears Point.  We never even walked onto the track itself!

91 M5 - original owner, just passed the 120,000 mile mark.
