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re:[email protected]

In a message dated 2/20/99 1:24:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, owner-bmw-
[email protected] writes:

<< [email protected] >>
   Armed only with personal experience, I shall tell you that there is
something to be said for high rpm's and added horsepower of the 535i.  If you
can find a good bodyman to FIX (I mean REALLY fix - don't let someone plaster
over weakened/oxydized structural unibody members to make the car LOOK good),
go for the 535i.  The "slushbox" is many times more reliable than the auto-
box, and there are simple remedies for complaints in the department of
shifting precision...  The performance benefits of the M30 engine are serious
ones...  On the conservative end, note that my 535i has not done any better
than 23.1mpg on the highway (cruise set at 80mph...)
   ...But it screams...     }>] 
