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Re: bmw-digest V9 #972 O2 sensor Removal

In a message dated 2/8/99 12:55:04 US Mountain Standard Time, owner-bmw-
[email protected] writes:

<< Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 09:18:20 -0500
 From: "John Y. Hung" <[email protected]>
 Subject: O2 sensor removal
 Does anyone have a recommendation on how to remove the O2 sensor ('86 325,
 automatic tranmission)?  I can easily see the sensor, but it is cocked at a
 funny angle and I can't get the wrench to seat firmly.  I'm concerned that
 the sensor has corroded in place to the pipe.  Do I need to take the pipe
 off the car (shudder) and take it to a machine shop?
 John Hung
 Auburn, AL
You will need to lower the exhaust system slightly and use a "hole in the
head" ratchet and socket slipped over the wiring.

