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re: <e36> glove compartment problem...

James: I'm willing to bet this is on a '95 or older, am I right?
You'll notice a little nub on the curved arm whose arc supports the
door when open - inside the dash, in a slot molded into the glovebox
itself, is a spring steel strip with a rolled edge that presses
against the arm, and stops it from opening all the way when it hits
the little nub. In my case, the slot that holds the strip in place has
cracked, and now won't hold it tin place. At one time the dealer had
ordered a whole new glovebox to fix this, but when it didn't come in
after several months, I wrote it off as not worth the bother. In your
case,  the strip might have just popped out, ar if someone installed
an alarm usingthe stock location, they might have goofed it up. Good

Barrett Nicholas
Houston, Texas

>Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 20:54:20 -0800 (PST)
>From: James <[email protected]>
>Subject: <e36> glove compartment problem...
>	okay.. this is a small problem compare to the idel problem. I'm
>not sure if this applies to Ti or not, however when you open the glove
>comparement, what usually happens is that the sleeve usually opens half
>way, and then you'll  have to push down to get it to open completely.  =
>recently for some reason just opens completely.  Does anyone have a fix
>for this?
>			James
