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Re: Thanks for the good times

>>>>> On Wed, 03 Feb 1999 10:33:55 -0500, "Robert Steele" <[email protected]> said:

> Richard, You have been a gentleman in providing the service the past
> few years.  

   I joined this list in August of 1990.   So Richard has been running
things for a lot more than a few years.

   I certainly appreciate Richard's effort to make this a quality mail
list/digest.   He has put a lot of effort into it an we've all
benefited from it.

   But, I'm not happy with Richard's handling of some problems he's
had with this digest.

   First, Richard says he's losing money out of his own pocket on this
list.  There's *no excuse* for this as the cover sheet sayes it is
sponsered by the BMW CCA.  This topic came up a year or two ago and I
told Richard privately that BMW CCA should pay for the full cost of
the list and he should get a reasonable profit from it.

   The printers who print the Roundel make a reasonable profit, the
mailers who mail it make theirs.  So why shouldn't Richard make a
reasonalble profit on the digest?  My impression is that Richard
doesn't think he can insist on a profit from maintaining the digest; I
think he is dead wrong.

   Second, Richard has been on the Internet at least as long as I have
which dates from the early 1990's.   From being on various mailing
list and reading many newsgroups, he knows, as I know, that on any
list you get once in a while some really crazy stupid people.  People
who study human behaviour find this very intersting, because people
will say things on a mailing list or newsgroup posting that they
wouldn't dream of saying face to face to a group.   

   So Richard, let me add my voice of appreciation for your running of
the digest.   But let me also add, a prehaps sole voice, that I think
you are being unreasonable by shutting it down.



End of bmw-digest V9 #962