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<WOB> Oil change

Hi Randy,

What is an oil related breakdown? Engine locking up due to lack of oil, or
more then that?

I think it's personal preference, but oil change every 3000 miles seems a
little obsessive to me. More often then necessary isn't better, it's just
more work and money. It's more important that you're consistent in changing

I'd rather buy a car from someone who honestly tells me he changed his oil
every 10000 miles then from someone who lies about it or pretends not to


At 04:01 PM 1/29/99 PST, Randall Clark wrote:
>Ron . . . Ron. . .  Ron
>With the cost of changing oil being one of the least expensive things you can
>do to insure a long life for your Bimmer, why would you not?  I've always
>changed oil at 3,000 miles on every car I've ever had and have not had an oil
>related breakdown yet.  The manufacturers don't want your car to last forever
>. . . they want you to be a repeat customer.  Jiffy Lube?? no thanks, I'd
>rather change my own.  I've heard too many stories about forgetting to
>the drain plug, forgetting to replace oil, forgetting to tighten the
filter. .
>.  If you decide to sell your cars on the digest, please remind us of your
>change schedule.
>From: Ron Browne <[email protected]>
>Subject: <misc>RE: Oil Service
><<<It was written:
>While you can probably wait a bit on inspection I, the oil change is
>critical.  Changing oil regularly at 3K miles is suggested to ensure
>engine life, but the service level indicators say about9-10K, way to
>Way too long according to..???  Suggested by which authority? On what
>date?  Jiffy Lube and other quick lube places who stand to lose
>billions if folks change their 1970 oil change habits to conform to
>modern engines, much better combustion processing, and modern much
>improved oils, particularly synthetics?
>If you have not been keeping up, BMW ain't the only auto manufacturer
>to dispose of this 3000 mile or die mentality.  Check out an owners
>manual for a new Mercedes or Porsche...on at least one of those, if I
>recall, you will see a 15,000 mile interval (using approved
>synthetics) recommendation. >>> 
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