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RE: SI indicator snafu(?)

This is a classic indication of dead batteries.  You will need to replace the
SI batteries, or otherwise shortly after you reset the lights, it will happen
again.  You can find instructions for replacing the batteries at the following
web site.


Jeff Schnellinger
BMWCCA 77366

> Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 17:47:17 EST
> From: [email protected]
> Subject: SI indicator snafu(?)
> Hey folks- Got a bit of weirdness on my SI indicator.  (85 325e) The word
> is lit up, but the little red rectangles are not. (nope- not one!) Any ideas
> here? Is my motor about to blow up, or is it another little electrical snafu
> in my dashboard? (not the first)
>     BTW- I want to thank this digest and all its members. Up to this point,
> everything I have asked in all my BMW naivete has been given an overwhelming
> response. (except my plea for an inexpensive es/is e30 front spoiler which I
> didn't really expect) Despite the recent unpleasantry, this Bimmerhead has
> gotten A LOT out of this forum, and is very appreciative.
> PEACE- Bil Powell  aka WyldBil [email protected]
> ------------------------------

- -- 
Jeff Schnellinger           | "Explain to me the scientific 
BMW +JC +Alpine +RF +BA     |     nature of 'the whammi' "
mvnsnd at usa dot net       |          Agent Scully

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