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R U Gonna Help???

In Volume #929 T Stewart wrote:

>Without ANY negatism, I agree that the BMW List needs some
    1) compile and send one (1) e-mail a day
    2) Number the postings so one may easily scroll to the
desired item.
    3) Edit the content to BMW specific information sharing
or information

Who do you think manages this free thing we have now taken for granted just
happens???  I'm quite certain Richard busts his a** making happen what we
see and read every day...  Are you going to make the suggestions happen...or
are just expecting someone else to take care of these things for you just
because you thought them up? (Which seems to be the prevailing attitude with
most things in our society today).  If you want that to happen; MAKE IT
HAPPEN (i.e get involved; do it yourself).  This is a reader supported
Digest...not some edited fluff "Content" on AOL!

Thanks for listening.  
Robb Mckerrow
"[email protected]"
Phone: 888-RDM-3305
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