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RE: The NO-MARK Digest: Completed

I don't know about anybody else, but this web site he describes does not
reply when I try to pull it up.  This may not be the best of signs for a
new list.

Mark Colasante (not related to any other Marks)

- -----Original Message-----
From: Duane Collie [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 1999 10:24 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: The NO-MARK Digest: Completed

Here we go...a new beginning.

The moderated BMW UUC Digest.

It will be "Mark-Free" and hate-free. Bring your sense of humor but
your personal crusades at the door. This will be a BMW-Lifestyle Digest.
Tech talk, answers, track-autocross, Big Dawg teasing, charity events,
the whole ball o' wax.......everything you wanted in a Digest without
headaches (hopefully).

You can sign up, easy as pie, at:


Rob has currently formatted the length to be a bit shorter than this
Digest, but that can be tweaked as need be if they are coming in too
and furious.  Tell Rob what you want!

Right now, we're frolicking pretty heartily over there.  All Bimwads are
welcome, with the exception of the infamous 'MARKS" and of course, Rodd
Sidney, King of Spam.

And Richard, THANK YOU for allowing me to frolick in your
the past three or so years.  Made a lot of friends here, had a lot of
but its time for me to move on past the annoyances of the KIBORTS and
NERBURGS of the world. They'll never gain a foothold over on the UUC
Digest.  Best of luck to ya - its a thankless job! 

I will be unsubscribing to this Digest today as did my buddy Brett a few
days ago - those of you who want to find me, I'll be at the new one!

Duane Collie
RM3DR1 / UUC Founder / Bubba  
Rolling Rock / PizzaFest I & II (Do I hear III?)
316 tds - National Capital Chapter
Bubbakids / Snap-On ToolFest / Occasional Roundel contributor
BMWCCA # 106157

eeeeebbbbaahddeeeee-eeeebbbahhhh-daaahhh : DAT's ALL FOLKS! 
