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The Markie Herd
>From: mark kibort <[email protected]>
>Subject: Herd mentality
>one guy , starts a riot
YAH. You did. Its gonna be no fun at all to play in your ERAM sandbox by
yourself, is it? All the other kids are going home and you're still in the
sand playing with the leftover kitty turds. eeeeeewwwwwwwwww........
>Dont follow the herd, look up once in a while.
And !BEHOLD! For they DID look up and there WAS the LIGHT and it was GOOD.
And they threw off the chains of their oppressors and said. "WE AINT'T
a-GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE"! For forty Digests and forty e-mails they wandered
the desert until there was brought down from Mt. Bimwad a NEW Digest,
formed from the ashes of the old. A phoenix rising from what was once
despair! Cast aside thy Markie demons - BE GONE!!
And it was good.
And all was right in the Bimwad World once more (stay tuned for
instructions on how to subscribe). GLORY!! HALLEJULIAH!!
Brother Duane (amen)