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Mark asks a question

>Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 15:58:16 -0500
>From: mark kibort <[email protected]>
>Subject: steve's pressure cap
>Message text written by INTERNET:[email protected]
>>Subject: Pressure bleeders
>A useful option for pressure bleeders is to take a deck washer type spray=
>add the fittings to connect to Steve D'G's pressure cap<
>where do I get a Steve D G pressure cap?
>Mark kibort


You can get a Steve D pressure cap from none other than Steve D!!!!  But he
is off the list; due in no small part to many of the illogical misaligned
posts from you.  Ye reap what ye shall sow.....

Chris Brennan
BMW CCA #19577
And don't ask me for Steve D's e-mail....
