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the NO-MARK Digest
>Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 00:37:42 -0500
>From: "Duane Collie" <[email protected]>
>Subject: The 'NO MARK' Digest
>Ya know what? There can be a solution. A "New Place to Gather". One where
>the likes of Kibort and Nernberg and their kind will not be allowed to gain
>a foothold. A moderated forum. You want it? If so.....send an e-mail to
>THIS Digest for all to see....saying simply: "I WANT A NO-MARK BMW DIGEST".
>Don't sit there fuming in silence - send it. Enough response and "it will
>happen". We have someone who can do it. All they need to see is your
>desire for it.
Prime example of the simple genius of Duangerous. Regardless of what you
think of Duane or the other Bubbas (heck yes, they are arrogant SOB's at
times) he, and they, contribute and positively impact the enjoyment of BMW's
in cyberspace, so
>- - Duane Collie
>"Never suffer a fool more than five minutes of your time" < words to live
There but for the grace of God go I.....
Chris Brennan
BMW CCA #19577
Don't really give a hoot (ers), hoo is a Bubba, and hoo ain't....
Still committed to awarding $250 to the logo contest winner--so STOP sending
me e-mails and be patient.
"The unexamined life is not worth living" --Socrates. Several of worthless
souls about, it seems....