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Re: E36 Problem Areas
Hello all & Ed,
> I'm considering a '94 325i for purchase. The following are some problem
> areas that were mentioned by Jenny Morgan in her "Werkstatt" article in
> the November *Roundel*. It's quite an eye-opening list; makes my E28
> sound like Old Reliable. I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has
> experienced these problems (when did it occur, $$ to fix), or has
> knowledge of the frequency with which they occur.
> - - failed ball joints
50k service...slight vibration in steering wheel is symptom. Easy fix,
took it to dealer and had it done for $300
> - - failed water pumps
Seems like a 60-80k problem. I haven't had any probs, but am replacing
it at the 70k service I'm doing myself.
> - - leaking or sticky VANOS unit
Sorry, no experience.
> - - bad ignition coils that take the ECU with them
Same thing.
> - - failed subframe-to-body mounts
IMO, it seems it's only on cars that have been driven hard. But it's a
major problem if and when it occurs.
> - - failed rear shock mounts
60k item. In an auto tranny car, you can literally see the rear end move
up and down more than 1 inch whenever you change from reverse to drive,
or park to drive....
> - - failing fuel pumps
No experience. Mine hasn't failed yet.
> - - power window problems
I've only had the weatherstripping go south, replaced the whole thing
for $30 on drivers side. Also, the clips broke on the pass. side front
window. The motors seem to like to fail if they get water in them. Easy
fix, just tear apart the door, and replace what went south. Just
> - - blistering door panels
Hasn't happened yet. There was a discussion on the list on how to fix
> Whew. But I'll add one more item of my own: the car I'm looking at has
> been in the shop a couple of times for oil leaks (replaced cam cover
> gasket, tightened oil pan bolts) but is still pretty "wet" on the bottom
> of the engine... and the dipstick is down near minimum. Anyone had
> problems with serious (e.g. head gasket, etc) oil leaks on the M50
> engine?
Nope, but Auto trannies aren't very reliable either. Had ours replaced
at 60k. Could've been for a number of reasons, but it's the second BMW
my mom's had and needed a tranny replaced right after warranty.
- -Chris Graff
Middletown, New Jersey
[email protected]
[email protected]
1986 BMW M535i
BMW CCA 159803
GP2 Simulation Racer ;-)