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Mark y Mark

Hello fellow rational beings,

I was perusing the Earthlink member policies for, oh, no particular reason.
I came across the following items that are banned by earthlink and will
cause revocation of services:

2.3. Harassing others by 'mail-bombing' or 'news-bombing'. 'Mail-bombing'
constitutes sending more than ten (10) similar mail messages to the same
email address. 'News bombing' constitutes sending more than 10MB of data to
a newsgroup. 

2.3.1. Sending unsolicited electronic mail   (email) messages where the
recipient objects to  the content of the message or to the receipt of the
message in general is also prohibited under this Section. 

I was thinking, are the recent posts of Mark N. ([email protected]) in
accordance with the rules stated above?

Just idle curiosity, mind you.  Nothing serious at all. Not suggesting
anything either.  No sir. Not me.

Warmest regards,

Jonathan Porath
