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Re: "Helen"

> Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 15:20:46 -0500
> From: "Mark Nernberg" <[email protected]>
> Subject: re: "Helen"
> Look friends, just because Rob Levenson is a "Bubba", doesn't mean
that =
> he's better than you are.  The facts are that the value of his car
is =
> the value of his car.

Funny, I don't recall Rob ever mentioning that he was "better" than I
- - it's not true, but that's beside the point.  

> "Helen" is a fifteen year old E28 535is that's been turbocharged and =
> modified in many ways.  While we would *all* like to delude
ourselves =
> and try to convince ourselves that this would improve the value of
our =
> cars, believe me, it doesn't.  

Are you in bed with your insurance agent?  That's the same BS that the
feed you when you tell them you own an enthusiast car and are planning
to modify it.  In the eyes of your insurance company, a set of Fiske
rims actually DEVALUES the car since it's no longer original.  

> The further facts: "Helen" *has* been driven hard.  

Ever heard of Caveat Emptor?  If the buyer doesn't have open eyes to
Rob and the fact that he's used his car (rather than making it a
garage queen), then that's just plain ingorance on the buyer's part. 
Besides, what kind of moron would turbocharge or supercharge a car and
NOT take advantage of the add'l power.  In this case, the car has
other performance enhancements to offset the "abuse" of the turbo.  

> What it looks like to me is that Rob wants to find the right sucker
who =
> feels that because Rob is a "bubba" that Rob will tell him things

What makes Rob different from any other seller?  All sellers provide
as much disclosure as necessary to peddle their wares.  Full
disclosure is a misnomer since that would require that the buyer own
the parts, not the seller.  

I think you're placing a bit too much reverence in the "bubba"
concept.  I don't understand why you think Rob is so dishonest?  Has
he been screwing you in the ass without your knowledge?  

> Why would you pay $14,000 for Helen when Rob already says he's
willing =
> to take less?  (He *has* told at least two crygest members that
he'll =
> take quite a bit less!)  Why would you pay $14K for Helen when you
can =
> buy a 1988 M5 (all stock and less miles/age/wear) for $11K - $13K
and =
> LESS if you're willing to work at it?

Where do you get off telling Rob (or anyone else for that matter) how
much money they should get for their cars?  It's none of your business
how much $$ he gets for the car - that is unless you're trying to
swindle the car fron under him.  Why buy the turbo? B/c a turbo 535is
is an even rarer car than an '88 M5. I doubt you'll find an M5 in
similar condition for $11K-$13K.  

> BTW: Do you want to buy a car from a guy who is so devoid of a
personal =
> life that he has to name his car "Helen" like his girlfriend or =
> something?  I don't mean to assail Rob's sexual orientation, but
don't =
> you think its wierd that he's got to have a car instead of a
girlfriend? =

You may want to mention that to the straight folks that name their
cars with names of the same sexual orientation as themselves.  As for
myself, I don't name cars, it make'em too personal.  It's a car - a
machine, a tool to beat your ass.  
Matthew Yip
[email protected]

'87 GTi 11v
'88 M5
'99 F350

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