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Crimping and bending short shift levers (the right way) **Rob

>From: [email protected]
>Subject: [E36M3] <E36 M3-328> Lets bend it (M-Z3, 2.8-Z3 shift levers)
>  I also address the shift lever shaft/rubber interface looseness noted on
>recent shift levers, without crimping it.  This maintains the seal of the

    "Maintains"?  The crimping process we use at UUC Motorwerks "maintains"
the seal as well, the crimp is practically identical to the factory crimp on
certain BMW factory levers.  This is the *correct* way to do it, just like
the factory.

    The crimp we now make is further down on the lever than the picture on
the web page (too busy designing the next knock-out exclusive UUC product to
take a picture!).  The picture shows the crimp height approximately 3/4" of
the bottom of the lever.  The new crimp is about 1/4", more than sufficient.

    As usual, the hundreds of satisfied UUC Motorwerks customers can attest
to the quality, and the precision of our bending and crimping equipment is
of professional quality - hell, Ben *invented* this process.

www.shortshifter.com - home of the original BL/SS conversion

- - Rob Levinson
UUC Motorwerks
