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Re: <all> Sticky tire valve caps

I bought a set out of (I think) the Bavarian Auto catalogue.  Regardless,
the caps have the roundell logo and are made of aluminum.  There is an "O"
ring inside to seal and, perhaps, prevent overtightnening.  They have been
on for several months and show no signs of sticking.  I check my air at
least every other week, so I really haven't given them much of a chance to
bond.  Bonding of cap and stem can happen due to an electolytic reaction
when any two dissimilar metals (aluminum of the valve cap and the brass of
the valve stem) come into contact.  I believe this was an effect that doomed
many WW II airplanes made out of any available metal, to early failure.  I
wonder if the sudden number of reports of valve caps sticking to stems is
the result of winter and the tendency of salt on the roads to accellerate
the electrolytic reaction.  I live in Florida and we don't put salt on the
roads and I stay off the beach, so I have no way to test my theory.  Maybe
someone with a scientific bent in the north would like to fasten a valve
stem with an aluminum cap under the bumper and test the theory.  As a
control, you could keep another stem-cap combo in the trunk.

Jerry Cohen
[email protected]
