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re: <2002> Questions, Several

Jim Cocke said: (edit edit)

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Looking at a '75 2002, hopefully to buy my first BMW. (Now, my wife wants a
BMW (not ''75) to replace her minivan . . .

Back to the '02, several questions/prob.s:
1) Speedo swings wildly and reads +/- 3X actual speed and more.  Owner
converted it last year to automatic, and put 325? wheels on.  Suggestion on
whether this is common prob or related to the conversions?
2) Is automatic a practical conversion of '75 2002 with reference to rear-end
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You could have a binding speedo cable, or the speedo may need rebuilding.

Some of the more techie folk can help you with the ratio info and rear end
stuff, but I would look at a couple more cars, including a 4-speed 73 or
older as well.   Do you really prefer an auto?   These cars really respond
to a manual transmission nicely where you can use the engine's torque

I don't know what automatic he put in, but the original 2002 auto was weak
and did not wear well.  Did he tell you what automatic he used?

BTW, how much does he want for the car?

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3) Steering is incredibly difficult.  I drove a '59 Chevy Apache truck for
years, and it had much easier steering, in spite of big rims and tires.  Is it
likely they have tightened down on the steering gear excessively to reduce
front end play?
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With big rims and tires it's a little harder, but these should never be
really hard to steer.   The adjustment screw may be too tight, or the box
may need replacement.   A pro could tell you this.  Where do you live?
You should have an 02 specialist look this car over.

Do you know about the '02 list?   It's like this digest, only just for '02's.

'02's are wonderful cars; if you find a good one, you will love it!


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Don Cicchetti - BMW CCA member 122043
[email protected]
'71 2002/M42 (waddya mean that motor don't go in there?)

- -Beatnik Motor Werke-       0=OO=0
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