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Brake Squeal

As proof, I bet your car's brakes didn't squeal when it was brand new. 
     Mine never did either.  I've had about 25 new cars (company cars every 
     6 months, quit thinking, yeah right) and none of them ever squealed 
     new.  So it DOESN'T take 5000km to break them in.  It does require 
     that the shop does the job right.
			If your brakes squeal worse than Ned Beatty in "Deliverance", try
bevelling the leading edge of the pads, putting some of the anti-squeal goo
on the back of the pads, or using some Teflon coated shims.  Wolverine and
others make some pucks that fit right into the piston of the caliper...they
have them for Porsche and suspect they are available (somewhere) for BMW's.
 SD  (PS- Pagid's pads are flame surged to bake out most of the impurities
that would cause squeal)  
Steve D'Gerolamo - The Ultimate Garage
201-262-0412 / [email protected] / http://www.ultimategarage.com
