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Re: most hated since Rodd. BA

Can someone please send me a readable translation of the following post
so I can determine if this guy makes sense ?

I wonder if we should take a poll and see how many people bother to wade
through the garbage to see what he actually has to say.
Not many, I'd bet.

Hey Kilbort.  You really expect people to take you seriously when you
ignore repeated requests to correctly format your mail program so people
can read the output.

This, I would imagine, is the normal attention to detail that you have.
Undoubtedly passing on to your testing.   Hmm, can't be bothered turning
on the dyno, I'll just make up some numbers......

Brett Anderson
BMW and ASE master technician

>From: mark kibort <[email protected]>
>Subject: most hated since Rodd.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Im an idiot, Im hated, Im an asshole, etc etc.
>Why do I continue to get posts that are positive from the list??  Maybe
>dont want =
>to learn something new, but others seem to.      Tell you what, as soon
>you rack your =
>brain and discover something that gives 10 hp on the dyno, or
contribute =
>someones question with
>some insightful information.  Ill listen to you.   Right now you are
>armchair critic.  =
>Are you on the track every month?
>Are you on the dyno every week?
>Are you cracking aero engineering books nightly?
>Are you answering 100's of emails privately of people that still think
>can feel the hp of a air filter change.?
>Look, you may not like me, and I may not like you especially you
>but its a free world
>and im posting performance information related to BMWs , I have a BMW
>am testing on a BMW =
>next week.
>Just recently this post came in from one of
>your own that wanted to remain un-named.  He seemed to enjoy the
videos, =
> =
>others want to =
>dyno there car.    This just came in from one of your haters of me.
>why are you so bitter?   I tend to take all of this car
>stuff just for entertainment.  I get enough of the =
>day to day grinding at work in  the silicon valley.
>You would think with all that fresh air that you would be as mellow
>as a rocky mountain flower.
